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Our Privacy Policy

The 9 word version: we don't use cookies, watch you, or track you

Are we selling you out?

The term internet privacy has become almost an oxymoron these days, especially when used in conjunction with obtuse privacy policy legalese.

We'll keep it simple.

We collect these 4 pieces of information when you visit:

1. The country you're located in

2. The pages you visit on our site and for how long

3. The general device type (desktop or mobile) and web browser used

4. If you searched for us or entered our URL directly

How do we collect this information?

These very simple metrics are aggregated and we cannot determine any of the specific information listed above about any given user. We only can view the data with all users pooled together, not by individual user.

We do not use cookies, view or track IP addresses, or use analytics tools to record your screen or track you from site to site as you browse (that also share your data with ad providers and the highest bidders).

The metrics we collect are encrypted and are not shared with any other parties or used for advertising.

Our sole analytics provider is Simple Analytics

They are an innovative, privacy first analytics company based in the EU. They process and store all of our data on EU servers that are compliant with GDPR, PECR, and CCPA consumer privacy regulations.

Their website is here and this is an exact list of technical browser data that we collect.

Like my Mom always said - "track them like you would like to be tracked"