A lot happened in the past 0 seconds...

A lot happened in the last 0 seconds...

Everyday Life in Real Time

The statistics shown are worldwide unless otherwise indicated - learn more here.

Use the dropdowns to change categories (note: the "Not so Great" category is grim), laugh at some outlandish units of measurement, and change the timescale (24 hours, 7 days, etc).

Click the counters for sources and hand-picked articles and videos on the topic.

The human body

Hemogloblin molecules created in your body (inside the new red blood cells)

The scale of industry

Hidden realities of life

Stuff made

Cardiac pacemakers manufactured

Motorcycles manufactured

TV's manufactured

Hydrochloric acid synthesized

Single use cups made

Stuff mined

Cobalt mined

Nickel mined

Somewhat popular

Dunkin Donuts coffees sold (retail only, non-grocery)

McDonald's customers served

Servings of Coca-Cola products consumed

The internet

Music tracks added to streaming services

Hours of public Youtube content uploaded

Stuff moved

Commercial freight transported by air


Meteorites and space debris entering the atmosphere

Mississippi river water dischared into the gulf

Water evaporated from the Amazon rainforest

Precipitation fallen (rain, snow, etc.)


Nuclear bombs of solar energy released (1.2 megaton weapon)

Humans in motion

Human curiosities

Breast implant surgeries completed

Cataract surgeries completed

Visits to Pornhub

Mostly random

Cyanide produced (hydrogen cyanide)


Deaths from mosquito-borne diseases

New dementia diagnoses

Amputations needed after trauma

The darker side of humanity

Deaths from starvation

World military budget (USD)


Animals killed by cats in the US

Accidents and natural disasters

$ spent on natural disasters

Environmental issues

Food wasted